Mark Higginson

How attention flows on the web


13 January 2018

Invisible cities

Six years ago I happened to take this screenshot on Jaguar’s Facebook Page.


I was criticising the claim made by a marketing agency they were working with this was the “3rd most engaged-with UK brand on Facebook”. As it was plain to see most of the ‘engagement’ was happening from New Delhi.

The thing is I wouldn’t be able to find that out today. Sometime last year Facebook quietly disappeared this information from all of their Pages. It passed completely without comment.

Did you know that every single big brand Facebook Page I ever looked at always had ‘Dhaka’, Jakarta’, ‘New Delhi’, or another large Asian city as their ‘Most Popular City’? Week-in and week-out.

More importantly why do you think this was the case? And why do you think no one in the marketing sector has ever highlighted or discussed this fact despite it being in plain sight for years?

Let me know what you think on Twitter