Mark Higginson

How attention flows on the web


07 May 2015

Viewership dropped an average of 30 percent to 50 percent since then, according to two people who’ve seen the traffic data.

Drop in Discover Traffic Poses Questions for Snapchat

I said back in February:

“I don’t think Snapchat’s users will have any long-term interest in the new ‘Discover’ feature. It’s more brand marketing fantasyland stuff.”

Snapchat Discover

Compare this to the breathless reception from other quarters:

“Snapchat Discover is huge. I can tell you secondhand that the numbers, at least for the initial launch period, were enormous. We’re talking millions of views per day, per publisher.”

Snapchat Discover could be the biggest thing in news since Twitter

Less than three months later it seems ‘Discover’ is failing to perform:

“Snapchat’s curated selection of news stories called Discover is reportedly in trouble, with traffic dropping significantly since its debut back in January.”

Snapchat adds sharing tools to its news discovery portal

Let’s ask the users:

But has anyone actually asked the teens? My 15-year-old sister on Snapchat Discover: 2/2

— Julia Greenberg (@julia_greenberg) February 6, 2015

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