Mark Higginson

How attention flows on the web


01 April 2013

NYT haiku

Times Haiku

Headlines in a handy haiku format.

Were the recently acquired Summly to summarise articles in this format I would think they were on to something. Instead I am completely puzzled as to why so much money has been spent on something that apparently does not work very well and is based on a technology licensed from someone else. I have however witnessed and been confounded by similar deals, especially on the subject of ‘big data’ so cannot say I’m surprised.

This article is good to think about: What’s Actually Wrong with Yahoo’s Purchase of Summly. The ratio of glue vs. thought is interesting to consider in regards any project.

Thing is, I generally find the title of an article to be a more than adequate summary and use RSS to stay on top of multiple sources of content. I just do not see what problem Summly is solving.

A haiku generator however… that I would pay for handsomely.

Update: I was surprised to find that the haikus keep on coming; not sure they really entirely fit the form however.

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